Back to the essence! Help each other to find the right people!
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Why Got.Coffee Got.Coffee Got.Coffee ?
The War for Talent is huge. Everyone is looking for the right profile. So if you find the right talent, then preferably with a cup of coffee .
As a company it is often quite a struggle to find a specific profile. Got.Coffee allows you to search faster for profiles that are now available.
In addition, if you have a profile available, you can publish that profile on Got.Coffee so that you can help other companies (who might have opportunities).
Even better, you can inform all your followers automatically if you publish a profile. In other words, you no longer have to send out a weekly mailing to other parties.
The same applies vice versa. You have a nice assignment but no one is available. Browsing through Got.Coffee with a cup of coffee can turn into a win-win situation for everyone: for those who publish, for those looking for the right profile, and last but not least, the employee himself, who will be able to carry out a new assignment.

During the War for Talent you can help someone with this triple-win situation.