Are you a Recruiter?
Register on Got.Coffee and start creating your profiles within minutes on the following page. The creation of one profile is easy: simply copy/paste a CV in MS Word format in the input field Skills and you're practically done.
Just to be clear: your profiles are at this moment not yet found. You have only registered your profiles. Next step is publishing them when they become available.
Publish your profiles
You can publish a profile in a few simple steps on the following page. Indicate when the profile is available and who may find it. If you wish, you can make your published profiles visible for everybody or only to a limited number of people.
You decide via followers and groups who can be informed about your available profiles. This means that you no longer have to send out a weekly mailing! Got.Coffee does this for you!
To make things even more efficient: there's an API available so you can integrate your (internal) system with Got.Coffee. Publish a profile in your own system and Got.Coffee gets updated automatically and sends out notifications for you to your followers.

Job found?
Stop the publication so that the profile is no longer found.
If a fellow recruiter finds your published profile, it's up to you to discuss the details. Got.Coffee's job is done! In other words: Got.Coffee wants no fee or margin ;-)